Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 9: Ick

There was no blogging last night because I felt like crap, simply said. All day was weird I just really didn't feel like all. I tried having a scrambled egg for lunch but it just wasn't going down, the texture was bugging me, the taste was bugging me, I had half and gave up. Then I had some oatmeal and that went down ok, I wasn't hungry so I didn't get much of it, maybe 2-3oz tops. And then at 9pm, I started feeling hungry so made some egg salad since I love/d it and can get in some extra protein. Big mistake. Within minutes my heart started racing, I got extremely tired, started to sweat a lot, and started feeling nauseous. I decided to put myself out of misery and just make myself throw up and I did feel a lot better, but still. I did drink 1L of water though which is great.
I'm trying to drink up again today but it's not looking good! I'm so sick of the same foods!!!


Anonymous said...

When I had my surgery, we had liquids for three weeks I'd take your food anyday! LOL! Hang in there - you'll get through it. It's funny but after surgery I really hated eating - it was such a chore - taking forever! But now, I'm back to eating fairly normally although in small amounts so I have to really watch myself or I could over do it :( I hope it keeps getting better for you :)

Amber said...

The Mayo in your Egg Salad! I still have trouble eating mayo because of the fat I guess! Tomato soup is good to do or mashed potatoes with carrots and chicken (all pureed together)! Keep drinking that water! :)