Saturday, March 24, 2007

The world isn't made for fat people

You'd think being teased about my weight my whole life has made me stronger, but nope. I still sometimes need a moment to cry because of how people treat us like shit, like we're worthless. I know I'm big, I know I sometimes make the wring food choices, but why do I need to be reminded of that constantly?
It's actually been a while since somebody has been rude to me in 'that' way but today, while I was in our staff room, somebody said my name, and I was talking to a friend and someone said "who's that? oh, the fat girl?" and then started laughing because he realised I was in the room. I've never had problems with the person who said it to me, but it just sucks that that's how people remember me. The fat girl. Like, when I'm gone, that's what will have defined me as a person?

Society sucks sometimes.


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