Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day 168

Now week 24 in Loserland and this will be yet another quick entry. *Pleasemidtermsbeoversoon* I am losing my mind. My eating is all over the place. I eat when I have the chance to, which is like in the car on the way to or from school. 9 days to go.

On a good note - I lost 4.1 lbs this week! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!! After losing 0.8 lb last week, I was freakin' determined to do good this week. It really paid off. Now 10lbs away from being 'overweight' and 14.7 lbs away from my personal goal of 170. I'm sure I will continue losing, at least until my BMI is in the healthy range, but if I can maintain up to 170, I'll be the happiest person for the rest of my life.

Must get back to working...I'm falling asleep. Wait, sleep? What's that?

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