Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Day 64

It is day 64 and so far so good today. I haven't slept much in the last few days so I've been falling asleep all day, despite a giant cup of coffee this morning.
Last night I got home from school at almost 10pm, and was too tired to make a big meal, so I ended up making frittata, with whole wheat linguine. It was good. For some weird reason the texture of eggs has really been bothering me. They taste/feel/look nasty...but last night I added garlic, onions, and lots of cheese. It did the trick just fine.
Tonight I have my support group meeting which I'm really looking forward to, and tomorrow morning I have my annual check-up. I haven't seen my doctor since last fall, so she doesn't even know I've had the surgery, should be interesting. I have to ask her about the Nuvaring and the b12 injections I hope to get very soon.
Anyhoo, I gotta get my sleepy butt dressed and out the door. Fun :)

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