Monday, July 30, 2007

Day 90

I fell asleep about 5 seconds after last night's blog entry, just before 9pm. I woke up on the couch at 1:30 and barely got myself to bed and then slept all the way through until this morning.
I got to work and just so happened to find a Canadian Tire flyer to find that the bikes are all on sale this week. I've narrowed it down to 2 models, both half price, and I'm heading there after work to try them out and hopefully take one home! It's a lot of money for me right now, but hopefully I'll use it a lot for some good exercise. I haven't owned a bike in years, at least 6-7.
I'm doing pretty okay with protein so far, I'm up to almost 35, so I should hit at least 60 before the day is over. I'm good for water too, I've already got over a liter, so less work for me to do tonight. After this bike ride I should be drinking up a storm.
Big week 13 weigh-in tomorrow...and I haven't weighed myself since last Tuesday. ZOMG!

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