Saturday, September 15, 2007

Day 137

Well readers, I have no updates for you really. Same old, same old. The infection is completely cleared up (yay!), and my eating this week can be summed up in one word: horrendous.
I need to find some new inspiration because this all is getting out of hand. I did go through my pantry and dug up up things I had bought during my last shopping spree in the States. Hopefully that will help me through this week. I'm also going to go to the Running Room tomorrow and see what they can tell me about real running shoes. My shoes just aren't supporting my feet/ankles like I think they should, making running kind of awkward for the moment. Speaking of running, I neeeeeed to get it going again.

That's it for a blah Saturday, I need a push!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Reading your blog today was like reading my own. I've been mindless eating and havn't exercised. I need a push too. Not sure what my deal is. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone...someone else out here is feeling just like you are!