Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 19: Oh Beef!

Ya..beef. My pouch and beef just did not get along today. My grandmother came over with some meatballs she made (and did not fry!) and although they (I had 1.5 medium sized) were very moist, and I chewed them very well, they just did not go down. And what did go down, came right back up. I had some heartburn too. It's better now, but my I still feel some burning in my pouch, even when I take some sips of water.
I also had a bit of mashed potatoes and cauliflower, some SF fudgesicles, and a tiny bit of chicken leftover from last night. I woke up reeeeeeally late (late night last night) this afternoon so I didn't have enough awake time to eat as much as I probably should.
1 more day until I'm back at work full-time! I will definitely need some lunch suggestions...I'm not one to plan, and I know that I need to. Hope it all goes smoothly!

1 comment:

Susy said...

Lunch ideas: Ok I don't know what you like but here are a few things I throw in a bag for work: I get bored too so I change it up.

string cheese, cottage cheese, saltines with a bit of peanut butter, soups, crackers(wheat thins), sliced turkey meat. I don't do much bread at all anymore. Boiled eggs, salad, bananna, oranges. Don't have to take a lot to work anymore as we don't eat as much. :) Good luck with your work week! Susy