Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 20: Picture time!

Ok, so when I was about 2mos pre-op, I thought it would be a fun idea to take pictures every day to track my progress. I thought this would be great except for the fact that I look like crap everyday :) I've had these pictures on my camera since the surgery and I though now, 3 weeks post-op would be a good time to post them. Here goes nothing...

^Day after surgery...friends came to visit and insisted on pics!

^ Just after coming home from the hospital...notice the big tiger balloon my best friend brought me. I look so tired and swollen. Oy!

^ My birthday, 1 week post-op

^ 2 weeks post-op

Food-wise today was good. I had another late night last night (gotta love the social life of a 20 year old!) so I rolled myself out of bed really late again. I had some yogurt, chicken salad with 1/2 of a whole wheat tortilla, I tried having some protein shake, but I only got 3-4 sips...and then I had some fajita chicken for supper. Once thing I'm proud of today is I finally did a good job of waiting before and after meals to drink...and I got in 2L of water/crystal light. Finally! Now if only I could stack up on that protein!
I go back to work tomorrow and got some great suggestions on here and on OH. I have a giant pile of stuff to bring to the office tomorrow. Protein, smoked turkey slices, melba toast, cereal, oatmeal, tea, crystal light, yogurt, and lots of other stuff...hopefully that'll keep my satisfied all day!

Can't wait for tmorrow's official 3 weeks weigh-in!


Susy said...

Good idea on the photos. You look great. Good luck with work!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are starting to not drink while eating. You will get used to it. I even eat hot tuna (spicy chili tai or something like that)! I always eat a cheesestring to neutralize the spicy-ness. You'll find ways to adapt :) Doing great!