Saturday, May 5, 2007

Day 4

This is going to be a short entry because frankly, I can hardly keep my eyes open. I'm getting really frusterated with this no energy thing. My head feels great but my body just wants to sit, sleep, and do nothing. I know I'm recovering from surgery, but I should be able to walk and stuff, no? Just getting up to get some water exhausts me. I thought I'd be able to take walks outside by now! Something really scary happened this morning too. Since I've had my surgery, showering has been weird because I guess being so 'active' for 10 minutes wipes me out. Usually I feel it coming on and I have time to finish up real quick and get out. But today, I started feeling it pretty early but I figured it was just early still and I hadn't had anything to eat yet. Wrong. I got so faint I started seeing spots and barely made it out it time before getting to the bed naked and soaking wet. I felt better after a few minutes, but maybe I won't be showering for a couple of days until I get this protein thing right.
Other than that, things are going good so far, I really worked on that water today. I also had 2 SF popsicles...boy was I happy to find them! I also had an egg. I know it's early but I really need that energy burst. I scrambled it and chewed the crap out of it, small pieces at a time and it went fine.
So that was my day, tomorrow I'm going to concentrate on protein!

Any tips?


Amber said...

Scrambled Eggs and refried beans with some cheese got me through the pureed diet. Both have a lot of protein! Remember water water water and the energy thing will subside. Just taking a shower wore me out too for the first few weeks, but you'll start getting more and more energy and once the weight comes off you'll be amazed at how much you move more!

Anonymous said...

You are having eggs already? Gosh, I couldn't have them until 3 weeks out at least!

I had a moment where I started to faint in the shower too. Good thing hubby was watching me those first few days at home. I had the shower water way too hot for my body to tolerate.

I would suggest getting a friend or relative to walk with you down your block. Get out in the fresh air and sunshine. You will be tired but using up some energy may give you more energy. You *need* to walk.

Good luck!

Dawn :)

Susy said...

Hello. I was so tired for several days. Look at my blog from feb 21st for about 10 days or so. I was so tired and beat. After 2 weeks I was able to start eating protien and take my vitimins and started feeling better. But it was slow to feeling like me again. Sleep, take care of you and keep walking even if it's just for a bit. Chew, chew your food, your doing fine and coming right along girl friend. Keep posting!