Thursday, May 3, 2007

So, now what?

I have been home for almost 8 hours now and man...I feel awesome! I could do without the sore throat but I almost feel as though nothing has happened. I was walking around before and started feeling a bit feverish, so sat down and am now feeling a bit better. I sipped on some SF lemonade all afternoon, then had a few teaspoons of SF jello, and now I'm just sipping on some Matrix Cookies & Cream protein shake. It's delicious, seriously! I am trying my best to go slow and just listen to my body. I still have some gas in my stomach, and it rumbles, a lot...I'm also trying to get up and go to the bathroom whenever I get up. Gas sucks.

Head hunger never really left and I have a feeling it's going to be hard for me not to experiment, I'm already looking forward to having some pureed stuff. These liquids are definitely keeping me full though, I just need my brain to understand!

1 comment:

Susy said...

Glad to hear you are home. Sounds like all is well and your doing fine. Head hunger was hard for me while I was only eating soup and such... I found it easier just to stay home. So do the few things you have tried taste different? Sounds like you were enjoying the protein shake. Take care of you!