Sunday, July 15, 2007

~Day 75*

I woke up this morning and it hit me...once I hit 50 lbs lost, which should be in the next week or 2, I'm going to be halfway to my personal goal weight of 170!!! I thought about this all in bed this morning, I got up and decided I was in need of some retail therapy. I called my best friend and off we went.
I'm a self-proclaimed shopaholic, but when it comes to clothing, it stresses me out a lot. I hate shopping for clothes with friends mostly because I usually end up sitting outside the waiting room while everyone exchanges clothes and I'm stuck watching and wishing I was in bed with a big tub of ice cream. Today I was trying on everything...even a pair of SKINNY JEANS. I love the style of them, but could I pull them off? OH YEAH. I was shocked at how I didn't hate myself in them. Even my butt was smokin' in them. I bought the skinny jeans, 2 XL shirts (from a normal store, yay!), 2 pairs of shoes, jewelry, and a cardio bellydancing dvd which I will attempt to do tonight, before my long dog walk. Oh and the jeans were 15$ from Old Navy after my store credit discount, and the shirts were 2 for 35$. I reeeeeeally needed some new splashes of colour in my closet.
I think I'm coming down with a flu or something, my throat has been really scratchy, almost feels like *gulp* strep throat a little. Now would not be the time to have strep throat.
Eating has been good today, I had a SF latte at the mall, a lot of water, a granola bar...and tonight I had some super moist chicken, which went down so well I was shocked. I had a couple of small roasted potatoes too, I can still feel them in my pouch :( So not worth it!

I was looking through some pre-op pictures I took right before my surgery and my jaw dropped. It's amazing to see the difference 10.5 weeks has made. I put on the same outfit and it fits so differently now, compared to how it used to fit. I shall post them tomorrow!

That's it for day 75 :)

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