Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 266

Another week. Another gain. This one of 1.6. The good news in all of this is that I lost over a pound since yesterday. No more gains!

Breakfast - Detour bar (before run), Protein shake (with lactose-free skim milk, melon, vanilla powder)
Lunch - 1 small slice from an 8" all dressed pizza (#^$%), 1 pork skewer with 1 tblsp ricotta
Supper - Probably another pork skewer, or maybe just another protein shake!
Snacks - I'm getting 3 giant bottles of new DaVinci flavours tonight, so I will definitely have a latte with my new lactose-free skim milk! Maybe even a rice cake...although at 13g of carbs per piece, I'm not so sure.

Notice I attempted running this morning. I knew it wouldn't be good to run on an empty stomach, but I pretty much gave up halfway through because my head started pounding and I just wasn't feeling it...so I only burned about 120 calories. Better than nothing I suppose!


Susy said...

Keep up the good work. This is a life long journey and were learning as we go. It's just nice to have support when you need it. Your doing a great job, and good job on the running. That was brave! :) Have a good Wed. Susy

Anonymous said...

I am currently trying to take up running. What are you doing for running? I'm easing in hoping to take a running clinic in the Spring. I'm doing increments of .200th of a mile of running/jogging - to a total of 30 minutes right now. It's all I can handle!!


wannabe_loser said...

Dawn, I've been doing the Couch-2-5k program (www.c25k.com) it's a podcast you can download to your iPod or any other mp3 player. It has the music and this guy breaking down the intervals for you. It's a 9-week training program, lets you run every other day. I highly recommend it!