Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 307

I'm at work, there's no kids, and mid-terms are finally done and over with so I figured I'd give a boring update!

This morning I had my appointment with the nutritionist at the hospital. I made this appointment back in early January and have been counting down the days because I was looking really forward to learning more about food...I even took the time to print out my fitday logs. I got to the hospital (anyone in Montreal knows that getting and parking at the Royal Vic is a pain in the butt) and waited for the nutritionist. I waited about 20 minutes and decided to go up to Dr. Christou's office and ask to have her paged. She didn't answer her page and we then called her answer. So I guess she forgot. I had a mid-term at 1, so I had to leave, pay my $10 parking and hope that she calls to re-schedule. Soon.
Oh and I spoke to the nurse coordinator about getting psychological help and he said "Call me tomorrow, today isn't a good day". Alrighty, then.
I was kind of irritated, definitely disappointed in the after-care I've received. I mean I understand how busy it is...but still.

I also brought my dad's application in this morning. I'm so worried for my dad though. I don't feel like he's exhausted all of his options and I really do worry that he thinks this surgery will cure all. I've made this whole process look pretty darn easy and I think I've almost tried convincing him not to go for it right away because he doesn't seem to get it. Will it be the best for him? Definietely, maybe. He's 52, hypertensive, diabetic, has bad sleep apnea...I just don't think he knows how much work is actually involved.

I've had a rough few days eating-wise. Today is going good so far but everyday is great until 10pm or so when I willingly mess it up by binging. I went to the gym on Friday and played squash and my own gym membership (complementary of the gym I work at) begins this Thursday, finally! Maybe it'll re-motivate me and certainly keep me busier than I already am. Spare time, what? What's that?

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