Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bored and fidgety

I called the clinic around 2pm to see how my dad's surgery was and the nurse put me right through to his room since he was awake. He was pretty out of it, in quite some pain from the gas. I told him time and time again that this would be the worst of it but even he said he didn't believe how bad it actually would be. I only spoke to him a couple of minutes, I was surprised that he was awake!
When I spoke to him this evening he had been around and walking, he was feeling much better. They had to give him 3 shots of insulin though because his blood sugars were way high for some reason. Probably the stress from the surgery. It was 4.4 this morning (which is low-normal for you Americans) but went right up to 8.5-8.9 range which is very high. They were going to keep giving him insulin until the results got under 8. Hopefully soon.
Aside from that he was in good spirits. I look forward to seeing him tomorrow!

I've updated my consumption of the day down below in this morning's entry :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

Glad everything went well with your dad. Glad to see you're blogging again, I miss reading your updates when you're not around! Good job with the eating, wish I was doing good. I have my moments. Keep up the good work!