Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 300

Just a quick post since I'm leaving work in a few. I have a headache and so much studying to do tonight. It's going to be a long week I can tell.
I had a pretty good eating day yesterday so needless to say I was very surprised to see a 3 lbs gain this morning! It better be water weight. I did have a heavy supper, but I was so proud of it. I ended up getting a great big bag of baby spinach at Costco. I made some spinach pesto with it and had that with ricotta over whole wheat penne for supper. It was so yummy and filling. I know what you may be thinking - the pasta. I'd been craving pasta and had 3/4 of a cup at most. The sauce came out really rich and creamy though. I also found these Wasabi Peas at Costco. I may have had too many. They had such a unique taste, I couldn't figure out if I liked them or not! I also had lots of blueberries last night. Maybe I did overdo it last night...but I'm certainly making up for it today!

Breakfast - Protein shake, the usual
Snacks/Lunch - 2 protein bars: 1 atkins, 1 south beach + a SF soy latte
Supper - 2 chicken thighs (at least I think they were thighs?), 1/4 cup mashed potatoes, 3 bites of salad...seems like a lot but I ate this at work and had a 30 minute break in the middle.
Snack - Lots of studying to do tonight, doubt I'll get any sleep...will probably have coffee, blueberries, or maybe a couple of oatmeal cookies, maybe yogurt or a SF pudding. I haven't decided yet but I'm going to have to stay out of the kitchen and limit my snacks.

I get to use my free gym membership starting next Thursday, yay!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 299

Back home and back on track! Surprisingly, I managed to lose about 2lbs in Florida. I shouldn't say surprisingly because I knew I'd be able to eat a lot better staying at my grandparent's place than at home. It was hard though...and once again I acknowledge that I need help, but nighttime was difficult! I would actually sneak small handfuls of peanuts while my grandparents left the room. Almost completely unaware of it too. It's incredible these habits we get into when we're fat!
Yesterday was a long day because my flight ended up being delayed about half an hour and because of the weather, my grandparents dropped me off at the airport really early. And the entertainment on the flight wasn't working so I literally sat there for 3 hours doing nothing. I had some nuts with me, and my pretzels, and I had a protein bar while waiting at the airport because they don't feed you on these flights anymore.
That's about it for the updating. Eating this morning is going well. I had a protein shake this morning with frozen melon, peaches, strawberries, and grapes...very yummy! Then I had an orange. I'm going grocery shopping with my dad so hopefully I'll be able to stock up on some things for the week. Before I left I had prepared and frozen a bunch of veggies knowing they'd go bad if I didn't, so that'll be nice to fall back on. Good thing because I've got 3 mid-terms this week, yikes!

I promised pictures...but since I was on vacation by myself for the most-part, they all kind of suck.

Breakfast - Protein shake (lactose-free skim milk, frozen fruit, vanilla protein powder), an orange
Lunch - Maybe some edamame and a boca burger
Snack - Probably a latte
Supper - Not sure yet but I have a big container of FF ricotta that expires this week!
Snack - Yogurt? Another orange?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yet another one

Not much to report - I've been having a nice relaxing time. Doing some more shopping. Shopping, yes. I officially had to buy a second suitcase today because there was no way I'd fit all my new stuff in the suitcase I took with me. I've got 14 new shirts, 3 pairs of pants, 5 pairs of shoes, a dress, a swimsuit, a cover-up, a gym bag. I'm sure I'm forgetting some! Crazy shopping deals here folks! My grandparents bought a lot for me and I'm very thankful! I'm also taking home lots of protein bars and that delicious Special K protein cereal.
Tomorrow's my last full day and I intend to do nothing but hang around the pool...maybe go to the beach if the weather cooperates, it's been touch-and-go in the last couple of days.

More this weekend!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another update from Florida!

Lissa - I am in Tampa! My grandparent's place is on Treasure Island. It was suppose to be a nasty day today, rain and thundershowers but it's been beautiful since about 10am!

I had a small health scare yesterday. I've had it happen to me a couple of times at home, but it usually goes away quickly and it's no big deal. I woke up with sharp pains about an inch or so above my highest incision, or 5-6" above my belly button. I don't know how to describe them aside from sharp pains which prevented me from taking really deep breaths, and stretching my abdomen too much. It was worse when I stood up but I still felt it when sitting/curling up. Finally about 2pm (nearly 6hrs after the pains started) I decided to go to the hospital to have it checked out...and as I was on the phone with my insurance people, the pain went away completely. I suppose it could have been gas, but I think it was too high up for gas...that's most likely what it was. I'll speak to my doctor about it when I get back home.

I've bought wayyyy too much since getting here and I have no freaking idea where to pack any f it for when it's time to go home. Worst part is - I'm only just getting started on the shopping! Oy..

Anyhoo, off to the pool!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Florida Day!

I'm officially in the sunshine state! I arrived last night after a long day of travel (which included being bumped up to first class from Montreal-Toronto). This was my second time flying (flew to NYC in late August) and like the last night, it was such a comfortable flight. I was even brave enough to go to the washroom on the plane which I was still afraid of last August. I did fit, yay!
As for eating on this big eventful day, I had some honey-mustard pretzel sticks on the first flight (was something like 80 calories, 2g of fat...nothing very filling or nutritious) and then I had my grapes which I brought from home. During my wait at the airport I had a large soy latte, 1/2 a 12-grain bagel, 1/2 chicken patty, and 2 slices of bacon. I must have eaten it too fast because I got some major foamies which I rarely get at all anymore. On the second flight I had my oatmeal cookies and soy crisps...and once I was settled at my grandparent's place I had some broccoli and a bit of shepard's pie.
This morning I woke up to amazing weather! It was almost 80 I think (no idea what that is in metric...but it was quite nice!). We went to do some outlet shopping and I got a bathing suit cover-up thing (size medium), a really cute dress (size 8), and 3 pairs of shoes. Shoes are my weakness! And tomorrow we're hitting flea markets I'm told.

The best shopping of all of course was grocery shopping. Grocery shopping in the States is so, so, so different. I picked up 4 containers of fage (which I learned today is pronounced fa-yeh, and not fad-ge), some genisoy soy nuts, some SB protein bars, some kozy shack puddings (they were 2/4$, when I paid 1 for 4.99 at home!), some Special k protein cereal, lots of fresh fruit. Some other stuff too but man I can't wait to have some of it!

Eating here is awesome too since my grandparents don't buy junk food. I used to hate visiting when I was a kid for that very reason. No sugar, no candy, no white bread. They have been indulging a bit more lately...but they're no where near as bad as my parents.

Breakfast - Special K vanilla & almonds, with my lactose-free skim, coffee
Lunch - Whole grain crackers, garlic cheese, some ham, other cheese, a peach.
Snack - Cinnamon raisin SB protein bar
Supper - Appleby's oriental chicken salad (the half-order, no worries) and ate about 3/4 of it with 3/4 of the dressing, with 1 onion ring, and 1 hershey's kiss.
Snack - I'm definitely going to be trying some of my fage yogurt with splenda and/or a peach.

That's that.

You've requested pictures: Soon to come!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 285

Another quickie from me! I'm actually in a hotel room (or suite, I should say) until Tuesday. My dad has his annual sales meetings until then and I decided to stay with him since I have school and work nearby. Saves me a good hour + each way of transit. Plus staying in hotels is always fun!
It's very quiet since my dad's in meetings all day and I've been able to get a lot of work done and not eat without reason (because the weather is really crappy and I don't feel like walking to get food, ha!).

I'm sure I'll blog again before I leave on Thursday morning. I'm bringing my laptop with me to Florida and I have a 4-hour layover in Toronto so you will be hearing from me!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Day 283

I'm alive! Sorry for the lack of posts in 2008. I'm really, really, busy and January was a tough month with eating and all but it's going better. I'm spending all of my time either at school, at work, or studying at the library. It's crazy how time flies - mid-terms are next week already! And I leave for Florida next Thursday. It'll be a nice break away from things.
Now for the juicy details. Eating. I've confessed on here and to many people now these self-destructive, spontaneous and uncontrolled bouts of binging I've been dealing with...and I'm sure I dealt with this my whole life and never noticed it before now. I am dealing with it to the best of my ability until I can get the help I need to deal with it. In the past few days I've been able to make some really good decisions and stay more or less clear of danger. I think going away on vacation for 10 days will help enormously just to clear my head. I'll be staying at my grandparent's condo and they don't keep junk food or have nasty eating habits at all!

Anyhoo, I'm off to do some more studying!